Tag Archives: Spinach

Weekly Share May 13th – 19th

SpinachGarlic ScapesMesclun Salad Mix or ArugulaRadish or Hakurei TurnipsRussian or Flat-leaf KaleCilantro Welcome to our 2024 season CSA. We appreciate that you all have decided to join us over the next 6 months and hope to bring you a diversity … Continue reading

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Weekly Share May 15th – 21st

FriseeSpinachRadishesGarlic ScapesNew PotatoesMesclun Salad MixDill Week two of the CSA is still filled with lots of salad options; but we also have included spinach, new potatoes, and delicious radishes for some potential warm dishes as well. We absolutely love frisee … Continue reading

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Weekly Share May 11th – 17th

Fava BeansSpring Lettuce MixGarlic Scapes or Young GarlicSpinach or New PotatoesRussian KaleCilantro The 9th season of Tomten Farm’s CSA begins. Welcome to all of you returning and new. This year is obviously so different due to the pandemic, affecting all … Continue reading

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