Weekly Share June 17th – 23rd

Swiss Chard
Escarole or Frisee
Summer Squash or Zucchini
Red Leaf Lettuce

All the garlic is harvested and curing in the barn, with a small amount clipped and drying quickly in our greenhouse. The last of the storage onions are coming out this week and will be cured in the barn as well. We are bulk harvesting our Tendersweet and Chinese cabbages, storing away in our walk-in before the heatwave and more bug pressure does any damage. Even with the extreme weed pressure this Spring on our early beets, we are going to get a good bulk harvest for storage as well. The weed pressure damages the greens and halts the root growth; but we have a substantial planting, so we should have beets in some form through Summer. We like to offer beets, carrots, and cabbage into the hot months, so we have some variety at market and for your CSA shares, outside of the regular summer crops. Summer crops are coming though, both tomatoes, early beans, and eggplant will be coming within the next two weeks. Peppers and okra will be later than usual as we got them planted later than expected; but despite this shift into hot weather, they are looking good. Soon our focus on the farm will turn to prepping land for late summer plantings and seeding trays for all our fall and winter crops, right as we get into heavy summer harvests.
This week’s share is still rocking a lot of greens. This will be the last of the chicories and swiss chard for the share until Fall. Our basil got out of control quickly with the heat and our first good dill stand came on now, so you get a double dose of herbs this week. If the basil seems overwhelming, make pesto but do not add the cheese and freeze for fall and winter. If you have an extra ice cube tray, they make a perfect freezing vessel for the pesto. Once frozen dump all in a plastic bag and then you can use small or large amounts later on. Check out the recipes below and enjoy the share…..Autumn & Brian

Best Italian Zucchini Fritters

Zucchini Ribbon Salad

Provençal Zucchini and Swiss Chard Tart

Frisee & Pulled Buffalo Mozzarelle Salad with Capers, Dill, & Parsley

Stuffed Focaccia with Mortadella, Escarole, & Taleggio Cheese

Escarole & Golden Beet Salad with Toasted Hazelnuts

Marcella Hazan’s Pesto

Orzo Salad with Dill & Swiss Chard

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