Weekly Share June 19th – 25th

Napa Cabbage
Arugula or Bibb Lettuce
Cucumber Mix
Daikon Radish
Kkaennip (Perilla)

On the farm, spring is winding down. Our garlic is all hanging in the barn. We have begun to harvest and cure our onion crop. Cabbages, daikon, and some of the chicories are harvested and stored in our walk-in. Bunching greens are looking tired and the bug population is beginning to take hold. We are harvesting the last of our spring radishes and trying to fend the deer off of the last successions of lettuces, beets, and carrots. We have one more succession of our salad mix and arugula, so before long we will be moving into cucumber and tomato salads till august. As usual we got behind on some of the Spring crop management, meaning now the weeds are out of control and we make choices about what to keep and what to mow down. That all being said the summer crops are beginning to pop. Our first succession of green beans is in full flower, we have three successions of tomatoes growing strong with our first succession loaded with tomatoes that will come soon. The peppers, eggplant, and okra are growing a bit slowly; but they look robust and healthy. Our potato crop was bombarded with Colorado potato beetle earlier in the spring and we had some concern about yields; but a few varieties look strong and are thriving in this slightly cooler spring weather.
The healthiest things on the farm right now might be our geneovese basil and kkaennip, known as perilla in English. We are excited to offer some kkaennip, a nutty, earthy, and slightly minty herb in this week’s CSA share. A close relative to shiso, we have included both kkaennip and shiso recipes, although shiso is often more intense in flavor, we think you can play around with any of these recipes. If you would like a thorough background on this crop and more recipes or uses go to the link HERE. Both our 1st and 2nd successions of cucumbers are in full swing, so you will get a hefty amount this week. We have been enjoying using them in salads, making a yogurt dip reminiscent of raita, and adding to bagels with cream cheese. This is one of the crops we miss the most, as we are truly without them for 7+ months; but it is always worth the wait because these early cucumbers are truly outstanding in flavor. Our early piccolino has a most intense cucumber taste and smell, like cucumber juice; the thin-skinned nokya has a creamy texture and slight sweetness, much more subtle; suyo long looks rough but has a thin skin, fabulous crunch, intense flavor, and small seeds; lastly marketmore, the American standard, may need peeling; but has a wonderful cucumber flavor and good texture. Anyhow we encourage you to love the cucumber. This week’s share can make many Asian inspired dishes, so get cooking and enjoy the share……Autumn & Brian

Spicy Shiso Smash

Marinated Perilla Leaves

Cucumber, Avocado, & Arugula Salad

Spicy Asian Cucumber Salad with Fresh Scallions & Cilantro

Shrimp Daikon Soup

Shiso, Cabbage, & Daikon Salad

Cabbage Fried Rice

Napa Cabbage Salad with Sesame Seeds Japanese Farm Food by Nancy Singleton Hachisu
half a napa cabbage
½ Tbls fine sea salt
2 Tbls mild citrus juice (yuzu, Seville orange, Meyer lemon)
2 Tbls rapeseed oil
1 Tbls unhulled sesame seeds
Slice the cabbage crosswise into fine strands and toss lightly in a large bowl with the salt. Measure the citrus juice into a small bowl and slowly whisk in the oil to emulsify. Pour over the cabbage, mix gently to distribute the dressing. Toast the sesame seeds over medium-high heat in a dry frying pan until they are fragrant and start to pop. Toss into the salad and serve immediately.

Shiso GranitaJapanese Farm Food by Nancy Singleton Hachisu
15 green shiso leaves
¼ cup granulated sugar
Place the shiso leaves in a medium-sized bowl or 4-cup Pyrex measuring cup. Heat the sugar and 3 cups water to boiling in a medium saucepan, stirring the sugar to dissolve. Pour the boiling sugar water over the leaves and steep until cool. Set a strainer over a plastic container large enough to hold 3 cups and strain out the leaves. Cover and transfer the shiso-flavored sugar water to a freezer shelf. Let sit, undisturbed, in the freezer for 1 hour. Remove to the countertop, open the lid, and gently stir in the crystals that have formed on the perimeter.  Repeat this operation every 30 minutes, breaking up any larger crystals as you go. The finished granita should be flaky.  Serve alone in a glass bowl or goblet. This is also wonderful served alongside Fig Ice Cream and Plum Sorbet. Keeps frozen for several weeks.

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