White Russian Kale
Bibb Romaine Lettuce
Mesclun Salad Mix
Red Creole Spring Onions
Hakurei Salad Turnips or Nelson Carrots
Chioggia Beets
Summer Squash
Every May our farm feels like a frenzy of activity and ever increasing energy. Each week there is more to plant, more than is possible and each week a new crop is ready to be harvested. We begin 2 weekly markets, the CSA, and regular deliveries to wholesale accounts at the beginning of May. It is fun to be in the swing of things again; but also a bit overwhelming. This year has been different so far. April was so warm and dry that the crops all seemed to be hitting their stride earlier and we were getting things in at a good pace and for a second it seemed like we might manage to keep things on schedule for the first time. We had basil, tomatoes, and squash going strong. Then two weeks ago the rain began and this Northwest weather arrived and put everything to a halt. Not really everything, but a majority of our planting, as we have crop land not quite ready to plant and now too wet to prepare with a tractor. So two weeks later we are now definitely back to our regular schedule of being just enough behind to keep us a little stressed out. The good news is that we have had time to keep up with other tasks on the farm, such as hand weeding, foliar feeding, hoeing, mowing, crop assessment, and general organization. The bad news is we will have periods of time in the coming month without cut greens, herbs, and other quick crops. We will also be waiting a little longer on padron peppers, cucumbers, and green beans than in past years; but each year has a slightly different rhythm and this overcast weather produces a feeling of calm in the interim.
The erratic weather is also meaning we are a little short on product right now. Some of our crops have slowed down their growth, seemingly waiting for the sun to return, and yet they are just on the cusp of being ready. That being said, we are excited to have some of our earliest outdoor crops of beets and carrots. Remember that dry weather the second half of February and beginning of March, well we were lucky enough to get beets, spinach, and carrots planted March 1st, 2-3 weeks earlier than usual and voila now they are all coming at you in these early shares. They will be delicious paired with some spring onions, lettuce, greens, and summer squash. Yes that’s right, we will have a very small amount of summer squash for you all and it is the earliest ever, we just couldn’t resist. Please have fun with some of these delicious recipes and enjoy your share…..Brian and Autumn