2025 CSA SHARE – Limited availability

If you are interested in joining our waitlist for 2025 please click on the link above, do not send any monies, we will be in touch when we know about availability. 

What Is A CSA?
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In a CSA, farmers grow food for a predetermined group of consumers who pay an annual fee to purchase their share of the harvest. Through CSA’s, people are claiming back a connection to the production of their food. It allows farmers to be supported locally and for people to eat food grown in their own area, not shipped from across the continent. Consumers get back in touch with where their food comes from and receive fresh organically grown produce at affordable prices.
CSA’s are locally sustainable. They are also shared risk agriculture. Traditionally farmers assume all the risks of unusual weather, disease, pests, etc. In a CSA, the onus is on the farmers to use all their knowledge, skill, experience and ability to ensure a good harvest. However, the farmer knows that if all else fails the CSA members agree to give their financial support.
Tomten Farm CSA 2025
We invite you to become a share member of Tomten Farm for our 2025 season of Community Supported Agriculture. We welcome your involvement on the farm at whatever level suits you. In 2025 we will offer four different share options. Our CSA season begins in May (exact dates will be announced in April) with pickups available in Richmond and on the farm. Aiming to provide enough vegetables for two adults or a family with small children, each week’s share will be carefully selected to harmonize together for wonderful seasonal feasts.
Spring/Summer Share: Our 15 week farm share, runs for 16 weeks from May through early September, allowing each member to take a week off (with 3 days notice given to the farmers) anytime throughout the season or an extra $28 can be paid to pickup all 16 weeks.
Fall Share: Our 10 week Fall share will run from mid-September through mid-November.
Full Season: Our 25 week Full Season share runs from the mid-May through mid-November with two built in weeks off; 1 week chosen by the member during the Spring/Summer and 1 week as the farmer’s break.
Work Share Full Season: Our Work Share is the same as the Full Season share only these members commit to two Sunday workdays throughout the season, scheduled between May and November; in which share members can come out and work with us, the farmers, on a specific project such as planting tomatoes and peppers, harvesting onions or potatoes, or our fall garlic planting. The Work Share is offered for those members who are interested in helping out in the fields and learning about our farming practices first hand. The Work Share is discounted from the regular full season price. Each Work Share is required to attend 2 separate farm workdays regardless of how many people, representing the 1 share, come on any given day. This is to get a larger picture of the farm through the season.
Below are examples of the weekly shares packed with ingredients that will compliment each other for delicious seasonal meals. To see last year’s weekly offerings please visit the Journal page on our website.

Sign-Up Here

Examples of Shares
Spring Share: 1 bu Garlic Scapes, 1 pt Sugar Snap Peas, 1 bu Swiss Chard, 1 bu Hakurei Turnips, 1/2lb Arugula, 1 bu Dill, & 1 Frisee
Summer Share: 1 Crimson Sweet Watermelon, 1 pt Shishitos, 1lb Tomatoes, 1lb Asian Eggplant, 1.5lb Cucumber, 1bu Scallion, & 1 bu Thai Basil.
Fall Share: Cushaw Squash, 1 pt Russet Potatoes, 1 bu Parsley, 1 bu Lacinato Kale, 1 pt Okra, 1lb Tomatoes, 1/2 Mesclun Salad Mix.
Extra Benefits
Add-On: Members can purchase additional produce at a 20% discount from retail prices, during the CSA season. Eggs & chicken are offered at a small discount.
We as farmers work with every bit of skill and knowledge to produce the highest quality food available for our share members. That being said many things beyond our control, such as unusual weather, disease, and pests can happen throughout any given season. By joining our CSA, you the share member will take on the risks as well as the bounties inherent in this coming season. From week to week the sizes and variety will ebb and flow. Some crops have long seasons, so you will see them multiple times throughout the share, others only once or twice. Our goal is to mix up the offerings to keep things interesting, while consistently providing you with the staples for your week.