This week’s share introduces Collard Greens for the first time since early last Spring way before the CSA started. Collards are one of our favorite greens. They are so versatile, have an awesome texture that can hold up and not get mushy, and have a delicious complex flavor. Although these collards will get sweeter as the cold encroaches and we get frost, they are really awesome right now because the plants are young with large tender leaves. Collards pair nicely with potatoes and peppers, so try them all together or cook with any type of pork. This week marks the end of a few of our crops for the CSA: eggplant, celery, leeks, and potatoes. All of these crops were hit hard by either fungal or pest issues combined with some mismanagement on our part. There have been many lessons learned for future growing season. We will miss these crops of course, especially the leeks which had such a short life this year, but we are also so happy about the over abundance of crops we have that are thriving, happy, and of course tasty. Check out some of the recipes below and enjoy the share…..Autumn and Brian