Salad mix Cabbage (savoy, tendersweet, or early jersey) Carrots (mokum, nelson, or danvers) Salad Turnips (tokyo market) Scallions Sugar Snap Peas And a little something extra.
On Fridays we harvest most of the day, getting ready for our Saturday market and CSA pickup. This means we also take some time to check out how all the crops are doing. As you all realize the rain just has not quit and although this has been too much for some crops and makes it near to impossible to direct seed things like salad, arugula, or cilantro into new beds; it has been making other crops grow quite well. The peas, beans, and potato plants are flowering like crazy and brian even found some sizeable new potatoes deep in the ground. This coming week we are looking forward to harvesting the rest of our garlic and some of our short day onions. These are busy weeks, with lots of new crops starting to come on; the cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, padron peppers, and more. Have fun with this weeks share….