Weekly Share July 27th – August 2nd
Potatoes (Sangre)
Lettuce (Little Gem)
Romano Beans
Swiss Chard
Genovese Basil
Sungold Cherry Tomatoes
Sauce Tomatoes (Red Pear, San Marzano, & Amish Paste)
Sun Jewel Melon or Sugar Baby Watermelon
We have had a very productive week and are excited to have our CSA work share members coming out this weekend to help us get even more accomplished. Over the past month we have had a lull in big plantings, but instead have been doing big harvest jobs, such as garlic and this weekend, potatoes. It is so enjoyable to harvest most of a crop at one time and see the job finished; but potatoes are even better because it is the closest we get to feeling like little kids, crawling around in the dirt searching for all the hidden gems. Once potatoes are harvested we will load them into our basement to cure in a dark and stable 75degree environment for a few weeks at which point they will be shelf stable for a period of months. We love potatoes; because it is a root crop that we can store and sell throughout the season into the Winter months. For our limited labor force, this is a very efficient crop for us.
This week’s share includes lots of delicious items. We are most excited about the sauce tomatoes, as we love to cook with tomatoes, especially fresh ones, in our house. All of the varieties are Italian heirlooms and they have wonderful complexity and acidity. Over the past few years we have been struggling to get these tomatoes to produce well and finally this year we feel like they are putting out quality tomatoes with a good amount of volume. So we have figured something out at least. Pair them with basil and romano beans or swiss chard for a delicious meal or make a simple pasta sauce, just olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar. Now we are also very excited about the melons, probably just as excited as with the tomatoes. This afternoon we had our first harvest, which means eating melon warm in the field, one of the best moments in every summer. Late July always seems like the perfect time for refreshing melon, whether it be on its own, in a salad, or juiced. Recently we made some juice with melon and basil, so wonderful and refreshing, give it a go. Enjoy the Share….Brian and Autumn
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