Eggplants (Dancer, Prosperosa, and Striped)
Peppers (Cubanelle)
Onions (Candy)
Garlic (German White)
Swiss Chard
Okra or Green Beans
We are excited to be adding eggplant, okra, and beans into the share. It has seemed to take many of our summer crops a really long to develop, flower, fruit, and then grow to size or ripen. The overload of water in June and July mixed with a lot of overcast days slowed down the growing process quite a bit. Now though they are producing and they are delicious. Plus the mild weather is helping our fall crops get established. We look forward to bringing back more greens, radishes, carrots, and salad options starting next month.
This share gives you some great options for Italian, Indian, or Lebanese fare. Check out a few recipes below. Both the garlic and onions have been cured, meaning the outer skins are dry and they can be kept in your pantry or on your counter until you need to use them. Enjoy the share…. Brian and Autumn